Seats 4 Kids is a scholarship fund established by City Opera House to provide free tickets to local youth who could not otherwise afford to attend a performing arts event. Contributions from generous individuals like you allow us to provide tickets to economically–disadvantaged children through local community service organizations and Title 1 schools that have been pre–approved by City Opera House staff.
Experiencing the performing arts is about much more than being entertained. The arts have the power to teach, to inspire, to unify, and truly transform individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Time and time again, research shows that young people who are engaged in the arts do better in school and are more involved in their communities. They also demonstrate higher academic performance including increased standardized test scores and lower dropout rates than those students not involved in the arts. Creativity is among the top applied skills sought by business leaders and a vibrant arts community ensures that young people are not solely raised by pop culture.
Your tax-deductible donation to the Seats 4 Kids scholarship fund is for the sole purpose of purchasing tickets for qualified youth. The quantity and frequency of scholarship tickets is based on available funding. The more support we receive, the more students we can transform and energize.
Seats 4 Kids Scholarship Applicants
City Opera House is proud to offer scholarship tickets to preapproved organizations serving economically disadvantaged youth and families. Approval is at the sole discretion of City Opera House and does not guarantee tickets. The quantity and frequency of tickets are based on available funding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chad Lindsey at 231.941.8082 or via email [email protected].